Elodie Collin
Designer communication, graphiste Aube, France
I'm born in France, in the region of Troyes, Champagne-Ardennes and I'm actually a 23 years old woman.
After obtain a Graphic Design Bachelor in 2013, I chose to continue my studies to learn more about the design theory and experience life abroad, and was graduated of a Master Design Strategy in 2015.
Imaginative and a little eccentric, I'm diligent in my work and always in search of new experiences, of change of scenery...
18 mois
Stage agence de communication
Deepskyblue communication
mars 2015 à septembre 2016
2 ans
Ecole supérieure de Design
MBA Design & Strategy
septembre 2013 à novembre 2015
5 mois
Stage infographie
CRDP Nancy
| NANCY (54000)
mars 2013 à août 2013
3 ans
Ecole supérieure de Design
Graphiste concepteur spécialisation communication
septembre 2010 à juin 2013
1 mois
Stage infographie
EPPE services
juin 2012
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